Paul Cullen
Paul Cullen (1949 - 2017), was a sculptor and installation artist whose career spanned 40 years. Dilana’s connection with Paul occurred whilst sharing a Mt Eden gallery space with Jane Sanders Art Agent in 2000. At this time, his installations featured dismantled and altered everyday objects, including dissected furniture and model globes or planets deployed like props for amateurish and absurdist science experiments. So how about rugs, Paul?
size 220 x 150cm
The rug he titled "Landscape" was inspired by his series of large-scale black and white drawings viewed as a vertical composition. Cullen's design process involved reworking his drawing to suit a horizontal perspective on the floor. With elements of a deconstructed landscape plan, this rug design resolves 360 degrees from all sides and is beautifully composed to negate any sense of a direction(top or bottom) within the horizontal perspective. To support this the rug makers applied the technique called crosshatching, a subtle non-directional colour texture.
Landscape is not only a beautiful rug, it also carries the Cullen pedigree of intelligent design.